Website design & development is highly beneficial for any business. Web design technology has evolved over years & there is no denying that Information technology, also referred to as Computer Technology and the Internet has impacted how we work & live our daily lives, with everything digital in today’s world it’s only a plus having a powerful digital marketing tool like a website.

Having a well-constructed website will only help you benefit from it, a well-designed & developed website will ensure to promote business growth by opening doors to new streams of revenue, generating quality leads & prospects as well as proving brand credibility to your business. However, to benefit from your business website, this will mean your site should be responsive, user-friendly & abide by the rules & regulations of the International W3C Standards. Having a website can be advantageous in many ways and this article I will share a few reasons why a well-structured website can benefit your business.

1. Improve Brand Credibility

One of the important reasons why every business should consider having a website is because it can dramatically increase brand credibility. Think of a website as your digital office or business address. This is where your loyal clients & business associates go to locate you on the world wide web.

The home page of your website should identify the value proposition & the services you offer, the About US page which is pretty self-explanatory should tell your visitors all about your organization and the Contact Us page should indicate how to get in touch with you.

Did you know that consumers believe having a digital marketing tool like a website legitimizes your business and improves your brand credibility & awareness. It gives your organization identity and is digital or virtual confirmation that it exists.

Not having a website in place will question the legitimacy of your business. Having a website for your business provides customers assurance that you are a real business, trust that you will provide a  professional service & put their trust in working with you without question.

2. Efficient Way to Promote Your Business

Website technology is ever-evolving now providing business marketing tools and features to promote your business & generate quality prospects. A website is regarded as a powerful digital marketing tool & if you are still using traditional forms of marketing, not only you are wasting valuable resources, time, and money. Traditional marketing forms of marketing include:

Print (newspaper, magazines, etc)
Broadcasting (radio, television, etc)
Telemarketing ( phone, text message)
Outdoor(billboards, banners, flyers, etc)
Direct mail (catalogs, brochures, etc)There is no denying that traditional marketing is still popular, however, traditional marketing measures cover less ground and cost more money. Traditional marketing is regarded unreliable form of prospecting this is only because print advertisements usually end up in the trash can.

Online marketing on the other hand more efficient, faster, and affordable approach. There is an endless number of tools and resources, some free and others which you need to pay for that you can use for online marketing campaigns but without a website, these resources won’t be of any value. Online marketing forms include:

Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc)
Content marketing
Email marketing
Search  engine marketing
Affiliate marketing
Inbound marketing

Finally, unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is sustainable & efficient prospecting approach. It will create more options for engagement. You can easily manage and measure your digital marketing campaigns.

3. Expand Market Reach And Coverage

If you have a clothing store, having a website in place will dramatically expand your market reach and coverage. You can offer your visitors an interactive online shopping experience with seamless features & functions to people outside your jurisdiction.

By introducing an eCommerce website or platform will allow you to sell your products & services to a wider target audience, generate quality leads & prospects hence driving business growth. The products can be accessed by anyone with an Internet connection available at their disposal. If you live in South Africa, someone from Europe, Asia, or anywhere around the world who is interested in your product has access to it.

WordPress allows you to create a powerful & effective online store with powerful selling & product inventory management features through the help of a plugin called WooCommerce. It is an open-source, completely customizable eCommerce platform for entrepreneurs worldwide. It allows you sell online, schedule sale marketing campaigns, track & monitor the performance of your products based on what is selling more & areas you can improve on.

4. Organic Traffic

Did you know? it’s estimated Google processes approximately 63,000 search queries every second, translating to 5.6 billion searches per day and approximately 2 trillion global searches per year. The average person conducts between three and four searches each day. Keep in mind having a well-structured & optimized website will help your business rank up in google search results. This means when people look up a certain product or service, there will be a high chance your website will show up in the results rendered.

5. Beat The Competition

Let’s assume your competitors are not online, this will allow you to leverage your business as you can establish yourself as a professional & a leader in your industry by designing & developing a website that is responsive & user-friendly.

If your competitors happen to be online, you can have a different approach to introducing your business to your potential visitors. You can build a website that is unique and absolutely different from your competitors, illustrating why you stand out to your customers.