What is Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. These results in website terminology are referred to as “organic search” results & traffic that is rendered from SEO is often referred to as “organic search traffic.

Did you know that Google generates over 70,000 searches each second? that’s almost 227 million an hour & about 5.4 billion Google searches per day & 63 percent of these searches were rendered from mobile devices. However, in order to get ranked on Google, your website needs to have high-quality content & should be search engine optimized.

search engine tools

Search consoles better known for search engines vary in number and are available to you with optimizing websites. Below is a list of popular platforms, both free & paid:

  1. Google Search
  2. Bing
  3. Yahoo
  4. Baidu
  5. AQL
  6. Read More


  1. SEO is a key part of online marketing
  2. SEO increases organic discovery
  3. SEO promotes high quality web traffic
  4. SEO drives quality leads & prospects.
  5. SEO improves credibility & trust
  6. SEO reaches your target audience

SEO techniques

improving a site’s rank involves leveraging various SEO techniques to optimize the site for search:

  1. Keyword research – This is the the first step and most crucial step for SEO and involves conducting research at what keywords a website is currently ranking for in relation to competitors and what other high quality keywords potential customers are searching for. Identifying these phrases or terms that are commonly used in Google and other popular search engines provide opportunity to how new content can be created and optimized to maximize organic traffic.
  2. Content marketing – Once potential keywords are identified, content marketing comes into play. This can be updating existing content or creating brand new pieces of content. Because Google and other search engines place a premium on high-quality content, it’s important to research what content is already out there and create a compelling piece of content that provides a positive user experience and has a chance of ranking higher in the search engine results. Good content also has a greater chance of being shared on social media and attracting links.
  3. Link building – This is the process of establishing relevant hyperlinks to a website from external links. Link building from external websites, also known as “back-links” in SEO terminology is a primary ranking factors in Google and other popular search engine platforms, gaining high-quality back-links is one of the advantages of SEO. This can happen in a variety of ways: promoting high quality content, getting in touch with other websites and building postive relationships with developers, building relevant page relationships and getting press to attract links from other websites.
  4. On-page optimization – Besides the factors that relate to the benefit of back-links, improving the actual structure of a web page can have great benefits for SEO, and is crucial factor that is duty & responsibility of any developer. On-page optimization techniques include screen compatibility, browser compatability, link optimizing by utalizing primary keywords, optimizing the title tag of the web page to use relevant lookup terms, optimizing the alt attribute to describe images. Modifying a werbsite page’s meta tags seach as description, optimizing these meta tags can be highly beneficial, these tags increase click-through rate.
  5. Site architecture optimization – As much external links are important for SEO, internal links which define website pages navigationis a important factor in SEO as well. Search engine optimizers should ensure to improve the SEO of websites by ensuring internal links are not broken and correct use of hyperlink text is being used to help increase a page’s result for specific search terms.